Active Citizen Network

About Us

Active Citizenship Network (ACN) was initiated in December 2001 as the European and international interface of the Italian civic participation organisation Cittadinanzattiva(Active Citizenship).

ACN is a flexible network of European civic organizations which are involved as partners in its different projects, addressed to encourage active participation of citizens in European policy-making. ACN mirrors Cittadinanzattiva’s Italian policies, such as health, corporate social responsibility, education and training at the global level.

ACN’s mission is to promote and support the construction of the European citizenship as an “active citizenship” which means the exercise of citizens’ powers and responsibilities in policy-making.

ACN recognizes the prior role of national and local civic organizations in this process and advocates enrichment of the European Union subsidiarity concept by strengthening the relationship between institutions and citizens, so that institutions favour free initiative of citizens, both individuals and organizations, in carrying out activities directed towards the common good.

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